Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

second repair or how a secondary object becomes primary

In the first repair I used the plastic shards of window to form the objects that were defined by the primary subject.

Here I decided to make the plastic pieces the primary.

the plastic pieces were origanaly parts of a window. what is a window? what is the purpose of a window? a window is there to protect from the elements, the weather. it blocks wind and rain.

So what can I make that uses the same idea? in class a number of students repaired umbrellas which is an object to protect from rain.

An Umbrella in addition to pieces of plastic window I have collected bottles.

so what is a bottle? a bottle contains and confines what it has inside.

so I used a bottle as a base to confine the shards of plastic and make an umbrella.

the next step is taking pieces of the plastic to attach. and put together starting with the large one and moving on to the smaller ones, because every piece of plastic is something to use and reuse.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First repair or choosing of a primary object

As Stated in the statement I had collected various objects and had to decide how to refer to them.

I had collected a button a sole of a shoe and a buckle.

I chose the clothes related objects to be primary thus trying to reconstruct their original objective.

starting with the sole I reconstructed a shoe, maybe not a wearable but a shoe. the
secondary objects were plastic window pieces, Masking tape and a Carton Box.

The next object was the Button. A button is ment to connect to sides to hold together to seperate sides. I reconstucted a setting where the button is in the center between 2 sides, the one: plastic the other Carton like 2 shirts put together.

The next object is the buckle. A buckle from a strap, but a buckle cannot be anything without it's other side. I had to construct a closing for the buckle and a strap. Again 2 materials the connecting throu a buckle.

Using the same materials in all three projects makes a similar design. a design decided by the secondary objects, hence their importance.


Repairing, fixing and mending are all words virtually describing one thing, but in fact each utilizes a specific aspect of restoring an object that is no longer at its original status.
These three specify the process of my work. After collecting various objects that have been left to never be used again, I will look them over. Choosing the primary subject to repair, referring to making amends for what has befallen it, and decide on the objective of this project.
All Items collected have been broken, or injured or wronged in some way or another, they were not up for reassignment they were not ready for a new task they were thrown out. They themselves become a waste that goes on to destroy other things. By taking them and giving them new meaning and reusing these items I make amends for wrongs that are done.
Choosing a primary object and deciding upon a project is looking into the essence of the original use of the object. I must look into the past in order to reuse and repair in the future.

The second stage will be to choose secondary Items, taken in this case as a material and fixed, referring to setting in place, and they will define the outline of the project and of course the general and basic design. The secondary object has an important part in forming the output.

The next stage will be to take the materials set in place and to mend them, referring to attaching to one another, and together forming a united object. This will be done using the materials themselves or various adhesives.

Each object collected can become a primary or a secondary object. One that defines the goal or one that helps achieve it. Once a "project" finishes all items return to the collective state to be chosen again as primaries or secondary objects.
This process is a circular one. A process that keeps inputting new items and outputting new "projects" that later on might be reinserted into the process.
I must repair through reuse because I learned that in French reussir is to succeed.